I’ve just finished my registration but I can't log in the website. The game accuses Wrong data', why?This is happening because you didn't activated your register with our email of confirmation. Could you check your spam / junk box please? 
Sometimes the email servers classifies our confirmation email directly there. (Search for any email with the name 'BurracoOn', if you don't find it, you can tell us your email that we will search our database and activate for you)
The game shows me the message Login already exists'The nick that you are trying to register is already in use by another player and our game doesn't allow duplicated nicks. 
Please try another one. Try to add numbers or _ (underline) to diversify it.
I’ve forgotten my passwordAt the initial screen of the game, select the button 'LOGIN/REGISTER', after select the button 'FORGOT PASSWORD' and fill in the camps. 
Confirm the changes on your email. 
Check your spam / junk box, sometimes the email servers classifies our confirmation email directly there.<br />
My points have disappearedStay calm! Your points have not disappeared. 
Probably we have many players online and the server is having difficulties to read all the datas. 
Certify that you are logged, sometimes the app accidentally logs off and in this way the game doesn't count points.
My points were not computed in the last matchCertify that you are logged, sometimes the app accidentally logs off and in this way the game doesn't count points.
Why even if I play many matches my points doesn’t accumulate?For your points starts to accumulate, you must register in the game, selecting the second button of the initial screen 'Login / register'.
Why is there an asterisk (*) before of my nick?Every Time that a asterisk (*) appears before your nick, or other player's nick, means that you are not playing logged, therefore, your points won't be counted.
How can I register in the game?To register in the game you need to select the second button of the initial screen 'LOGIN/REGISTER' and select register. After you complete the registration, you'll receive a confirmation email so you can activate your registration. Check also your spam / junk box.
I didn't receive the confirmation email. Why?Please, check your spam / junk box, the email may have gone directly there. If you don't find it send us an email to the address with the email and nick you've registered, in this way we are able to activate the account for you.
How do I change the avatar for my picture?For now, our website to change your profile picture is in Portuguese, we are working on it so in the next application update you can do it in Italian and easily. But We have a note that says that if you want to try to change anyway, just follow the following steps:<br />Enter at;<br />Log in (As BurracoON);<br />Click Profile (PERFIL) to access your data;<br />Click Edit Record (Modificar Cadastro);<br />In the new image (NOVA IMAGEM), insert the image you want as an avatar;<br />Click update (ATUALIZAR) at the end of the page;<br />Ready! Now just go back to the app and change the BurracoON avatar, find your photo between our drawings.<br />Soon we will have a more practical solution, embedded in the app, but for now this is the only way. Thank you and enjoy!
Here are some pictures this will help you how to do it:
Can I change my email registered?No, this procedure is not something predicted in our programming of the game, therefore, there is not the possibility of altering your registration email.
Can I change my nick?No, your nick is your maximum identity in our game, therefore, due to this dynamic, this procedure is not something predicted in our programming of the game. Thus, this kind of alteration is not permited.
Can I transfer points from one login to another?No, as your nick and email are your maximum identity in the game, that kind of alteration is not permitted.
I was insulted during a match, what can I do?Please send a email to the address with the nick of who has insulted. The user will be monitored, in case of being recurrent the user can lose points and even be banned of the game.